A Big Purpose

Hi Friends,

I know what you are thinking… a blog post from Melanie… it’s about time! As you know, I excitedly launched my blog website, put in an “About Me” section, posted the thrilling epilogue of “The Rosemary Chronicles” and then… (crickets, crickets) 

It’s been bugging me too. I didn’t want to wait so long. Time after time, I’d write a blog post but something didn’t feel right. Finally, after weeks of wondering about this, I realized that while I was excited to write and connect with you through this website I had run into a big problem: I was not quite sure of the purpose of this blog… would it only be a place where I would post my writings? Or a personal blog with stories of my life? What about a devotional blog? I struggled with this for awhile and kept pushing  my writing away because what I felt in my heart didn’t fit into any one of those categories. So here’s what I’ve decided… my “purpose” for this blog: 

It’s going to be all those things! 

This blog is a place for:

  1. my latest chapters and story snippets
  2. personal stories and updates about my life
  3. and most of all, it will be a place of heart connections with plenty of encouragement and honesty.

I want to meet you here and share life together, bringing hope to our hearts and a deeper connection that my heart craves (I have a feeling yours does too!) And just about any way I can do that I will. Whew, re-reading that last sentence makes it all clear–that’s just about as big of a purpose as I can imagine. So, I am now poised—fingers on the keyboard– ready to write. Let’s connect this week, dear friend, heart to heart you and I. 

What do you think? What would you like to see in this blog? Comment below or send me a message on facebook.

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