Plan “Be”

“The One who calls you by name is trustworthy and will thoroughly complete His work in you.”

1 Thessalonians 5:24 

It’s the new year, and I don’t know about you, but all of a sudden my newsfeed has exploded with “be the best you in 2022” communicated through numerous articles, links, organizational plans, goal setting… What’s a girl to do? Yes, I truly do want 2022 to be a wonderful year- but to what extent? Is my own sanity worth it? If we just “pressure” or “organize” ourselves better will a more wonderful year ensue? It sure seems like we are trained to think so.

In a time when all kinds of lists are made, goals are identified, the pressure to be something becomes great. Be stronger, be skinnier, be kinder, be more aware, be more involved, be on top of your finances, be healthy… the list goes on, and on, and on. But according to 1 Thessalonians 5:24, instead of the world’s mantra of “be something”– our mantra in Christ becomes simply “be”! As we trust Him–the trustworthy one– He will complete His work in us. He will complete us body, mind, Spirit. He will accomplish His plans for our lives. 

“The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands.” 

Psalm 138:8

Nothing’s wrong with goals, plans, organization. I plan to do a fair share of that this new year…. yet, the problem comes when we decide that “doing” these things will offer salvation, perfection, a flawless new year.

No, the only tried and true ONE who leads us into His plans and purposes in His gentle Spirit-led way, is our Lord Jesus. He’s the only one who could redeem a year in this world for His glory, shining His light both in us and through us.

The most important thing we can put on our “to do list” this next year is to “be” with our Maker, trusting Him fully to fill us, to cause us to live a passionate fulfilling life with the plans He has for us. 

So dear friends, I challenge you this new year to “be” and to trust the trustworthy one. He alone is the one who can complete us and complete His work in us. 

Spending time with Him— communing with Him all through the day—we become sensitive to His voice, His leading. And if we follow where He leads us— that is the path of truly joyful and a fulfilled life. It’s the path of fulfilling the unique and special call God has on our individual lives. 

My prayer for you for 2022:

Lord, I pray a blessing over my friends may they lean into you this year— breathe with you— Your heavenly, soothing presence each moment of the day. May they be filled with you. May they come to know you in new and deep ways and may they experience your faithfulness. May their eyes be opened to your trustworthiness and may they believe without a doubt that you hold them: You hold their years ahead, you hold their destinies in your hands. Help them to trust that you, God, will be the one to complete it. 

We trust you in all things and more than anything. We want you, your presence and divine call for our lives for 2022. Amen. 

So I bless your next year friend. I am so excited to hear of the journeys we take with the Lord. 

Until next time, 

PS. Our New Year’s Eve tradition has always been gathering with family for an evening of board games, laughter, snacks and enjoyment. Here’s a few of our pictures over the years…

PS. Have you heard of these games? These are some of our favorites.

And some new favorites this year:

2 thoughts on “Plan “Be”

  1. Oh, what a lovely, precious and timely word for each of us as we enter this new year! I’m so blessed that we are in Christ and enjoying the journey together.

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